Sampling day hike in the Heart Lake Geyser Basin, Summer 2017
Sampling at HLGB in one day can be rough...a 3-hr drive starting at 4am, a 7-mile hike from the trailhead to the hot springs, a couple of hours of sampling and taking measurements, then do it all in reverse to get back to Bozeman after dinner. But, I'm not complaining... it's freakin beautiful :)
This dude gave zero you-know-whats about us being here.
Certain seasons are more colorful than others in the backcountry. We came at a good time.
Kori Klingelsmith attempting to blend in like a true YNP tourist. I'm not judging though, bison will always be amazing.
This is called "paycheck pass" because you have to conquer a gnarly hill to get there and park rangers used to say the hill was how they earned their paycheck.
Our fearless research team spanning the gamut from volunteer undergraduate to tenured professor.